Mask Sales and Foodbank Donations

Mask Sales and Foodbank Donations

Masks made from donated fabric:

Local people have been supplying us with their unwanted fabric since we started trading at the market in September 2019.

We believe that there is more than enough fabric already in circulation that can be put to good use instead of buying new, New cotton is a very intense process, it uses a lot of water, air miles and production so we create as many products as possible from material that already exists.

We did the same with our masks and have been making fabric masks since April this year with a large percentage of the price paid to go to the foodbank.

The lady behind the Masks:

Dawn, our sewing wonder creates all the amazing material products we sell. She has not let us down with the masks either. When you donate your fabric to us, it gets washed and ironed and dropped off to Dawn, she then gets cracking and ta da! We have wonderful products to sell. The feedback has been really good and she is sooooo fast, she has made nearly 200 masks to date. She is giving her time as well to support us and our foodbank campaign. This is much appreciated of course but we do want to give back so we give a percentage to Dawn as well and rightly so, she’s working her socks off. It’s not going to set the world on fire but it is something so she knows she is appreciated.

Raising funds for the foobank and providing people with an affordable option

We decided to put our resources to good use and do some good with it. To date we have donated £100 to the Taff Ely Food bank, we are nearly at £200 but sales have slowed down a bit so if you are looking for a mask consider one of ours so we can continue to raise funds for the foodbank.
Taff Ely food bank are local to where we live so this is why we decided to support it, it is in our immediate local area. People that breath the same air as us, need this service. We wanted to use the resources we had to give to our community.
In the year April 2019 – March 2020 Taf-Ely Foodbank fed a total of 4,111 people. Since Covid 19, they have fed 1,071 in the two months of April and May. There doesn’t seem to be any ease up yet, but that’s why they do what they do. These are great stats and it shows that helping them out is the right thing to do. It is also a bit scary that, that many people have needed help during COVID. Even more reason to support them and those that live locally.

Help us hit £500 in donations

We hit the first 100 pound fairly quickly and we are almost at £200. The second £100 will be donated to the foodbank shortly. The plan a few days ago was to keep going until we hit £500.
We are running low on fabric that can be used for the masks. Large sheets, duvets covers and pillowcases are ideal. These are mainly cotton and easy to work with. We will also accept any off cuts or remnants from projects. We are after cotton as a preference where possible. Anything A4 size and up could be put to could use.
All support is most welcome whilst we continue to support our local community with the resources we have whilst still remaining true to our values No Waste Living values. If you don’t have a mask yet and would like to support our campaign you can view our collection to see if there is anything you fancy.